A few words about

Joining our community

Becoming a member

Our organization is involved in numerous projects, so we are always looking for you!

You can aid our cause in many different ways. Do you like scrolling away on Instagram and would like to see more Japanese themed posts? Become a Social Media Manager and/or content creator. 

Perhaps you pursue becoming our Formal Correspondent if you are into more formal communication. 

You could help organizing many events as Event Coordinator and even become a Board Member and help decide how we make Japan more well-known!

What we Expect of you
  • Driven personality
  • Be open-minded
  • Dares to take initiative
  • Passionate about Japanese culture and language
  • Willing to learn
  • Eager to take on new responsibilities
why you should join us
  • Organizing fun activities and events
  • Able to make active use of Japanese language
  • Gain relevant experience and broaden your network 
  • Join a group of motivated, fun, and assertive students
  • The JCRS is a great addition to your CV
  • Meet high ranking businessmen, diplomats, and professors during our events
Want to make a difference?

Join us by sending us your motivational letter and Curriculum Vitae

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